Rumors circulated previously indicated that this smartphone will be present with a screen designed notch 6.26 inches, resolution 1080 x 2280 pixel aspect ratio, and 19:9. This device also uses Qualcomm's Snapdragon 710 Mobile Platform, with an option for 4 GB RAM, 6 GB, and 8 GB. In addition, Xiaomi Mi 8 x will also be armed with internal storage spaces in a selection, that is, 32 GB, 64 GB or 128 GB. This smartphone has a double rear camera embedded horizontally, and the front camera with the 24MP sensor.
This device comes with a battery capacity of 3,250 mAh support, as well as using the Android operating system 8.1 Oreo. Similar to Huawei P20 Batman, Mi 8 x will be available in two color options i.e. Blue-Violent and Twilight Gold. Xiaomi will also bring Mi 8 x will be offered in black, gold, Rose Gold, white, blue, red, pink, gray, silver, green, and other colors that one still reluctant revealed by Xiaomi.
However, the confusion associated with the name of the device among the public. A number of consumers call this device as Mi 8 Youth, while other consumers referred to it as Mi 8 x. In addition, variants of this phone will be supported with a Fingerprint On Display (FOD). In the meantime, the image listed on the document certification TENAA fingerprint scanner displays on the back of the device with the model number M1808D2TE. Xiaomi predicted will embed the scanner technology of fingerprints on the screen Mi 8X premium edition.