In addition to a larger screen, it also assessed the smartwatch has a different look than the previous version. According to the report, this new display will be exclusive to Apple Watch Series 4. This clever hour will be announced together with the new iPhone on September 12, 2018, at the Apple Park, Cupertino, California, United States (USA).
Apple is reported to have entered any data about six models Apple Watch on earlier this month to the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC). Apple is likely to make a lot of attention on the next month with his new product announcement event that. For the iPhone itself, the company predicted announced several models at once.
Apple has spread the invitation for a new iPhone announcement on 12 September 2018. On the invitation, there is a description of "Gather round ". Not only that, an invitation that has already been made to various media also mentioned the location and hours for the event, Steve Jobs, Apple's Park Theater. Unfortunately, there is no indication of the product to be announced. However, people believe the latest iPhone will become a major star in the event.