South Korea considers banning the import of iPhone X and iPad for violating patents

iPhone X
Because of the hostility of the patent with the company named the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Apple threatened got a ban on imports from South Korea. As for some Apple products are barred from entering South Korea threatened to include iPhone 8, iPhone, iPhone Plus 8 X, and some models of the iPad.

As quoted from Phone Arena, formerly KAIST claim they patented the FinFET, a technology used in Apple processor series processors A and by most another mobile processor. If the patent actually belongs to KAIST, this will not only affect the industry but almost Apple smartphone. For that reason, Samsung which is a competitor also supports Apple.

In his statement, Samsung call, litigation over patents, not valid KAIST claimed. The Ministry of trade, industry, and energy of South Korea is concerned that occurred in the US. Samsung is said to have submitted any evidence that supported its position.

Now, the problem in the middle of this patent further investigation. If Apple has proven to be in violation of the patent belonging to the US technology giant, KAIST it would face a ban on the import of devices to Korea South.

In addition, if it proves there is a patent infringement, Apple would be required to pay punitive damages at KAIST so it could continue to sell the device in South Korea.

 "We're investigating whether Apple infringes patents KIP, a subsidiary of KAIST, " said the Korea Trade Commission under the Ministry.

 "Target (that would be forbidden) is the iPhone 8, iPhone, iPhone Plus 8 X


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