The system architecture is also combined with a more powerful processor core A7 and Qualcomm's latest QC1110 chip. In addition, Qualcomm also supports this chipset with 4G modes that utilize similar methods of Gallium Arsenide power amplifiers, in order to keep power consumption low battery when the network connection is less good.
The increase is claimed capable of keeping a smart watches powered Snapdragon 3100 persist for four to 12 hours longer, if compared to the same battery-capacity devices, but using Snapdragon 2100. Snapdragon Wear 3100 comes in three versions, versions with Bluetooth connectivity and Wi-Fi, GPS tether based smartwatch for, and later targeted for a smartphone with 4G LTE network connectivity. Qualcomm calls platform Qualcomm Snapdragon 3100 will be available first at the hands of smart high-end production companies, of which Fossil Group, Louis Vuitton, and Montblanc.