Huawei utilizing event Europe's largest trade fair for its newest chipset launched Kirin 980, which will support the Mate 20 and Mate 20 Pro. The chip supported an eight-core, four smaller-sized to handle power management. While the two medium-sized core, tasked to support the good performance in the long period, and two other large core to drive the performance of your mobile phone when he is used to accessing the game application with large power consumption. In addition, Huawei also announced a smart home hub powered by Alexa, an Amazon competitor as Echo, Google, and Apple Home HomePod. The device is referred to as AI Cube it comes with cylindrical and router components provided with 4 g.
Huawei claims that this smart speaker sound quality is the main differentiator from its competitors, and it's called will begin at Christmas 2018 market in the future. Huawei also utilizes event IFA to announce Mate 20 Lite. Phone the screen size with Lite 6.3 inches, rear camera and 20MP camera front 24MP. Both of these cameras was accompanied with a secondary camera resolution 2MP, tasked to record depth information in the photo portrait.