Trump also pointed, 96 percent of search results for the news-related news itself comes from a media that does not support it. Even so, he did not mention where the media is. Tudingan Trump this, apparently referring to the news published by the conservative media company PJ Media. The media wrote, 96 percent of Google search results for Trump comes from the liberal media.
Further, Trump also said Google and several other technology companies deliberately conceal information and good news. "They control what we can and cannot see. This is a serious condition that should be addressed, "says Trump.
"I feel, Google is taking advantage of a lot of people and I think, that it is serious and needs to be addressed, " said that Melania's husband.
Not only that, Trump also claims there are thousands of complaints coming from the social media platform. "I think Google, Twitter, and Facebook are heading in a dangerous area, they should be more careful. This is unfair to most of the population, "he said.