Not to be outdone by Galaxy Note 9, Apple would increase new phone's internal storage. the latest iPhone is rumored to be 512 GB of internal storage options. The information is indeed not from Apple directly, but rather from the TrendFroce Research Institute. They made the prediction problem of the three latest phone technology giant artificial origin of the Cupertino, California, USA that.
Like the previous leakage, TrendForce estimates that the latest iPhone comes in three variants. There is a 6.1-inch version with LCD screen, 5.8 inches and 6.5 inches with AMOLED screen.
The third variant of this takes support Face ID previously present in the iPhone X. Special iPhone that has an AMOLED screen will support Apple Pencil.
Other information reserved RAM third mobile phone. 6.1 inch iPhone has 3 GB RAM with the 64 GB of internal memory and 256 GB.
iPhone 5.8 inch and 6.5 inches have 4 GB of RAM. Internal storage space selections that will be available include 64 GB, 256 GB, and 512 GB.
Like the previous leakage, TrendForce estimates that the latest iPhone comes in three variants. There is a 6.1-inch version with LCD screen, 5.8 inches and 6.5 inches with AMOLED screen.
Other information reserved RAM third mobile phone. 6.1 inch iPhone has 3 GB RAM with the 64 GB of internal memory and 256 GB.
iPhone 5.8 inch and 6.5 inches have 4 GB of RAM. Internal storage space selections that will be available include 64 GB, 256 GB, and 512 GB.
TrendFroce presents to predict the price of the latest iPhones third. According to them, the iPhone will be sold a 6.1-inch range of USD 699-749. iPhone 5.8 inch sold for USD 899-949. While iPhone 6.5 inch will be sold for USD 999.