However, Intel intervened. The chipmaker reportedly "petitioned Microsoft" to use a Pentium Gold processor instead of an ARM-based processor. It remains unclear why Microsoft does not use the ARM processor for Surface Go, but according to The latest processors from the Verge, Qualcomm is still not able to deliver the performance and compatibility as a laptop with Intel-made processors.
Microsoft is still trying to improve the performance of processor Qualcomm, although Intel threatened to sue Qualcomm if they try to emulate the x 86 architecture belongs to Intel. Now, Microsoft is starting to seriously make Windows-based computers with a processor ARM. A laptop with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 850 will be released at the end of this year, while laptops with more powerful chips that will be released in early next year.
The ARM also discusses their roadmap in the next two years their processor design related. This year, they have already showcase CPU Cortex A-76. ARM CPU claims that it will give the performance of a classmate laptops though requires only a power like a smartphone.