Bethesda Party says that the bold steps taken are part of a way to reach fans directly, based on recognition of the Senior VP of Global Marketing Pete Hines, Bto Bethesda report from IGN.
"We affirm that this game will be available only in Bethesda.net. We do not claim that our games in the future will not be present in the Steam, "says Hines.
For example, the latest game franchise that is Eternal Doom Doom already share a bit of gameplay. Hines stated do not yet know whether the game will be exclusive in Bethesda.net or is present also in the Steam.
Hines added that by launching its own 76, Bethesda Fallout could provide better service or experience to fans directly rather than through intermediaries to the other party.
"There are different things as we can cooperate directly with fans or players of our games, we become easier to communicate with their players. In the event of a problem in our game, we can more easily figure out the layout of our error, "explains Hines.
Hines admitted on the basis of the experience of working with other platforms, often occur many communication problems between the publisher and gamers. Bethesda claims to have tried a direct communication link directly with her fans and response better.
Hines is optimistic that this time they will have a positive impact. He exemplifies how Blizzard also took the same step with the Battle.net remains successful today.