In an annual Developers Conference, Baidu said that it the middle of bus production process boost named Apollo is done at the Assembly facility in Xiamen, Fujian province, China. In manufacturing, Baidu is working with King Long, a bus maker that also originated from China.
Baidu is targeting total production reaches 100 units of buses. The bus without the driver's seat and steering wheel it can carry passengers to as many as 14 people, according to a statement from The Verge.
While for the operation in Japan, Baidu invites as well as SB Drive to operate vehicles in this autonomous in Japan. SB Drive is a subsidiary of Softbank to develop an autonomous vehicle technology for public transportation.
According to the Highway Traffic Safety, Apollo will be present with a four-level autonomous steering technology, a nickname by the Association of automotive engineering (SAE International), where the vehicle no longer requires a driver on condition and certain graphics area.
These buses will be operated on the tourist attractions, the airport and other areas that are restricted by certain graphics area.
Baidu also announced an update on its autonomous platform, Apollo, which is an autonomous vehicle output at some of the other Games. This update will detect the driver's face was tired and will allow vehicles to valet parking.