The court in the Netherlands won Samsung on lawsuits related to software updates

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The court in the Netherlands won Samsung in a lawsuit related to software updates to the device. In 2016, Consumentenbond, a non-profit organization that helps consumers in the Netherlands, calls Samsung to provide updates to its devices.

Consumentenbond demanded an update for four years since the new device was launched or two years after the phone was available in the market. The organization then registered lawsuits against the South Korean company.

Samsung's position during the trial was that in some cases, the company provided updates not long from four years, but only to high-end models of his work. This claim was canceled due to its complexity but re-registered at the end of the same year. The court said that because these claims are related to future action, they can not be undone.

For example, if a problem with a Samsung device appears after its release, the hardware involved may have problems that prevent it from receiving updates. This is the reason for the court's decision.

Samsung has made two years of software updates for new phones purchased in the Netherlands and added that the company provides this update in a reasonable time frame.

The manufacturer mentioned that before distributing the update, the company must ensure that the phone is still compatible with the software being tested.

After the decision was announced, Consumerenbond's representative said that Samsung chose to bring many models to market. Meanwhile, continued representatives Consumentenbond, nobody who forced him to do so.

Consumentenbond's representative also said that automobile manufacturers should also ensure that all models are safe and reliable for a long time. This obligation is also valued by Samsung.

The organization added that by registering lawsuits against Samsung, the agency achieved an achievement. The representative of this organization mentioned during the trial process, Samsung has taken a number of steps to provide better information to consumers.


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