Facial recognition technology rescues primates from extinction

Researchers reveal the use of face recognition technology that is not just be used for humans on smartphones.

A group of researchers from Michigan State University (MSU) developed a facial recognition program to rescue some primate species from extinction.

The team claims there is more than 60 percent of primates who are on the brink of extinction. Software called PrimNet is called able to reduce the weakness that has been there in the monitoring tool.

Before beginning to use this software, researchers began by collecting photos of three primate species of mas monkeys, lemurs, and chimpanzees. The research team also captured thousands of animal images in the wild.

The next stage the researchers used the data collection obtained to study the neural network system in order to recognize the animals.

All the photos that are dumped are then inserted into the PrimID application. The PrimNet system will then match the results of the images and neural network systems that have been studied.

The research team claims that the accuracy rate reaches 90 percent. However, if there are no findings of suitable results then the system will automatically pursue the search results with the most relevant.

"We plan to enlarge primate data, develop systems to detect facial structures and share the results through sites accessible to anyone," writes Anil Jain, senior author of the research on MSU's official website.

The emergence of this technology is considered more efficient than conservation programs through animal labeling and use monitoring tools. The research team claimed this new approach could save money.


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