Microsoft Store removes Instagram app for Windows 10 Mobile operating system

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Microsoft removes the Instagram app on the Windows Mobile 10 operating system user device. However, device users can still access Instagram via the desktop version of Windows 10.

Windows Mobile 10 users can try an Instagram mobile version of the site on Edge, This mobile site will allow users to use filters, upload photos, upload Stories, and so on.

As long as users of Windows 10 devices do not mind losing the convenience of using the app, it is considered not to cause significant problems. Windows Phone users should wait for six years to be able to enjoy the capabilities offered by this application.

Facebook, the company that now owns Instagram, does not think that the weak market share of the platform is worth developing for Instagram apps. When consumers complain about pauses of apps as an excuse not to buy Windows Phone devices, Instagram becomes one of the apps they mentioned.

But in March 2016 ago, the beta version of Instagram for Windows Phone finally appeared, although limited to users of Windows 10 Mobile. And now, the app is no longer available for Microsoft's mobile operating system.
