Google stops development of Allo and shifts the focus to a new service called Chat

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Google is discontinuing the development of Allo's communication app for Android, and most of the team behind this app is switching to the task of developing a new app called Chat. This app is called to be Google's latest effort in unifying messaging services on Android phones.

For information, Google's first attempt at bringing together messaging services on Android phones is Google Talk, then Hangouts, and followed by Allo and Duo that separate services for video and text. Now Google stops Allo and is replaced by Chat.

The Chat project is called will use the RCS text messaging system, or a richer media standard that still works on device devices that the operator has tried, to deliver good text messaging tools.

That way, when someone receives a message but does not have the Chat app, they will accept it as a regular text message and can answer it.

This problem becomes a problem that must be faced by operators, who have Chat program on their network. But Google is reportedly in the middle of a discussion to bring this capability to their network communication service customers.

With the availability of various Android devices, using the RCS system is expected to be the only one considered feasible to deliver integrated messaging services on Google's mobile operating system platform.

The built-in Android Messages app owned by most phones is considered to be a good start.

Having a number of advantages such as having universal support and will allow users to enjoy a similar chat experience of sharing other rich media content, unfortunately, this RCS system has one major disadvantage that triggers the fears of many parties, namely the absence of encryption features in messages.

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