Mark Zuckerberg to sell shares up $ 500 million for his foundation

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan
Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is known as a generous figure. In fact, Zuck has recently reportedly sold Facebook shares of US $ 500 million as a donation to his foundation and his wife Priscilla Chan, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

The information was initially revealed from two Facebook filing documents on Thursday (1/3/2018), in which Zuck sold 685 thousand shares on three consecutive days in late February 2018.

"This sale is a progressive step in which Mark has sparked his desire to charity to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative since September 2017," said a source Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

The objectives of the donation are some areas, such as science, education, and issues related to justice and opportunity for the community.

"This donation will also support a series of philanthropic and humanitarian activities to be held in the next few years," the source added.

Zuck himself in September 2017 had said to sell shares of 35 million to 75 million shares in the next 18 months. But in fact, Zuck finally willing to sell shares worth US $ 500 million for the organization.
