What's the difference WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Messenger?

Whatsapp business
WhatsApp finally officially released WhatsApp Business after being introduced in beta format in September 2017. Then, what's the difference WhatsApp Messenger commonly used with WhatsApp Business?

As the name suggests, this stand-alone platform targets businesspeople, from big companies to small and medium businesses. WhatsApp Business allows businesspeople to be more communicative with their customers.

Here are some differences between WhatsApp Messenger and WhatsApp Business.

1. Differences logo

WhatsApp Business uses capital letters "B" with a typical WhatsApp green background. This logo is different from WhatsApp Messenger is famous for the phone picture logo.

2. Can use and add home or office phone numbers

Unlike WhatsApp Messenger that uses a cell phone number, WhatsApp Business can use and add home or work phone numbers at the same time.

However WhatsApp recommends not to change the mobile number and specify a permanent mobile number.

Using WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Messenger in the same device can be done, but you have to use different numbers for each one.

3. Can reply message automatically

This feature allows businesses to set auto-replies if they get the same questions from consumers. This setting can also be used to send automated messages to welcome new customers. This feature is certainly not found in WhatsApp Messenger aimed personally.

4. View statistics of sent and received messages

With this feature, the businessman can see the statistics of the sent messages and messages received. Of course this feature is not found in WhatsApp Messenger where often, users actually hide information if the message has been read. 

5. Can choose the category of business

In addition to informing company profiles, such as operating hours, official sites, and locations, business people can also choose available business categories. WhatsApp Business is also open to other small businesses. If the business category does not exist in the options available, can choose the category "Others". 
