7 things to do to improve computer security

computer security
Although smartphones are now increasingly sophisticated, there are still many people who choose computers rather than smartphones to work, watch movies or anything else. The reason is because computers have larger screens than smartphones.

When a computer is connected to the internet can be a danger, if you are not careful when wearing it. Privacy and data on the computer can be threatened by it. This time I will share how your computer security will improve.

1. Use Antivirus

For those of you who already use Windows 10, then do not bother to download antivirus again, because Windows 10 already has an innate antivirus in it. You can also add other antivirus such as Kaspersky, AVG, Avast and others for data in the computer to be more secure.

2. Change the password at least 6 months

This one thing you must really do. In order to keep your email account or other account secure, change the password periodically. To make it easy to remember, change all your account passwords with the same password.

3. Be careful when making payments online

Never give away your personal details and account numbers while shopping online, as this could lead to fraud. If you use a shared account system when making payments on an e-commerce platform, choose a trusted platform only.

4. Never open spam messages on social media

Spam messages usually contain interesting promotions and ads. But, do not occasionally you open it let alone click the link in the spam message. This is obviously very dangerous because we do not know where the message came from.

5. Always backup important data

You will often keep your data or documents offline on the available storage. Instead, backup your data and documents to online storage such as Google Drive, DropBox and more.

That way you do not have to worry if one day the data stored offline experiencing problems such as exposed to the virus, because all the data already has a backup.

6. Be diligent in updating applications and operating systems

Any app or operating system updates will all bring something new like new features, new interface views, and surely also bring a more qualified security system than ever before.

So do not be lazy to update it. Instead of being old or heavy, this will actually make the performance of your computer increasing.

7. Use Incognito Mode when using another computer

If you want to open an email, or social media using someone else's computer, we recommend using incognito mode so that all activities performed are not recorded in the browser history used. Your data will also not be saved while using this mode.   

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