Project Treble on Android 8.0 update is not found in Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and Galaxy S8

application Termux
New features that are presented Android operating system Oreo 8.0 quite small, one of which is Project Treble. This is the last feature that Google presented to improve the Android update. Improvements made by Project Treble separates the basic framework and core of Android from the work of the manufacturer, and allows it to update faster.

Currently, there are a number of Project Treble phones available in the market, including Huawei 10 and mate 10 Pro. Unfortunately, Samsung's flagship smartphone, Galaxy S8 and Galaxy Note 8, is reportedly not a device that will receive Oreo updates with Project Treble support.

An application called Termux run on both phones with the Android operating system 8.0 beta, reportedly found no special value. It was concluded that Samsung decided to hide Project Treble until the retail version of Oreo is available for both devices.
Other conclusion circulating mention that Samsung Galaxy S8 and Galaxy Note 8 does not aim their core Android apart from special support from Samsung, that is via Samsung Experience UI.
