President Trump banned the use of Kaspersky Lab security system software throughout his administration

Kaspersky Lab
The aftermath of the conflict between Russia and the United States on espionage via digital channels has finally fruitful results. Kaspersky Lab security system is now prohibited from use in the United States. The ban is only in government circles, not in the public or business circles. However, it still tarnished the name and legend of Kaspersky Lab in the business of international cyber security system.

Yesterday President of the United States Donald Trump signed a law to ban the use of Kaspersky Lab system security software in all government agencies.
As it is known that in September yesterday outstanding records from the defense and intelligence agencies of the country that accused Kaspersky Lab affiliated with Russian defense and intelligence agencies. Kaspersky Lab is suspected of spying on the United States.
Finally, the United States had issued an order to remove Kaspersky Lab service from all computers used by the government in a period of 90 days or be penalized if violated.
Of course this is rejected firmly by Kaspersky Lab. Even the founder and CEO of Kaspersky Lab clearly considers the United States to have engineered and made his company a false accusation of a US dispute with Russia.

Although Kaspersky Lab is based in Russia but the founder strongly denies the allegations. If Kaspersky Lab cooperates with Russian intelligence and defense agencies solely because of international cyber attacks. Kaspersky acts as a private party requested assistance by government agencies.
