Internet neutrality regulation in the United States was officially removed

Ajit Pai Chairman FCC
Internet neutrality regulation in the United States was officially removed. The vote by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ended 3-2 for the abolition of internet neutrality regulation made in the Obama era. Thus the government gives freedom to the telecommunications industry to regulate the internet without government interference.

The abolition of internet neutrality is becoming the latest chapter in the debate over how the internet should be organized.

The debate, which has been going on for more than 18 years, questioned whether regulation was needed to ensure the company did not restrict content accessed by the public.

The Obama administration's decision to classify broadband internet as a public utility ensures the FCC can make regulations to protect the open Internet. Open Internet means all content is treated the same.

This regulation also serves to protect freedom of speech. This view is supported by consumer protection organizations and Internet companies like Facebook and Google.

By abolishing the rules of internet neutrality, the FCC grants its powers to other federal agencies, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, who led the internet neutrality regulatory effort, argued that treating internet providers like internet companies like Google and Facebook would force them to comply with FTC rules. That way, the FTC will be able to ensure the internet remains free to use by affirming anti-trust rules.
But there are also people who are protesting against FCC plans to abolish internet neutrality. They feel the removal of the regulation will make the internet provider companies too powerful for content that can be accessed by the public, such as the services or sites they access.
