Essential Sued On Theft of Trade Secrets

Essential Phone
Essential may startup in the mobile realm, and recently released its first smartphone. That does not mean the company is safe from lawsuits. The realm of news coverage during 2017 is still dominated by the demands of Apple and Qualcomm. The reports circulated calling Keyssa Inc. demanding Essential for alleged theft of trade secrets linked to new technology, allowing mobile phones to connect to devices like cameras wirelessly.

That is how 360 degree camera accessory sends data to its cell phone. Keyssa got support from Tony Fadell, founder of Nest and sold it to Google a few years ago.

Fadell then headed the Glass division at the giant search engine company, before deciding to resign last year. 

The demand seems to be a battle between former senior at Google, because CEO Essential Andy Rubin is also a co-founder of Android and former Senior Vice President of Google.

Keyssa claims to have developed chips for devices that enable large amounts of data transfers, without the need for cable or Wi-Fi help since 2009.

Keyssa wanted to make this technology a standard feature on smartphones, and decided to work with Samsung and Foxconn.

Essential reportedly had a discussion with Keyssa related to the use of technology on the device PH-1 for 10 years. Later, they decided to end the relationship between the two and use chips from another company, SiBeam.

Keyssa mentions that Essential phones use antenna design and apply their own device testing methods to the Essential manufacturing line. Because the information was shared with Essential during the discussion process, Keyssa demanded compensation. 

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