Flappy Bird No Longer Can Play on iOS 11

Flappy Bird
Apple not only launched the latest iPhone, but also the iOS 11 operating system. Unfortunately iOS 11 just kill some old applications, one of the legendary game Flappy Bird.

We still remember how popular Flappy Bird game a few years ago. Simple games that give the task of keeping the bird's character continue to fly without falling or crashing through obstacles via tapping your finger.

This game also had viral because many players are made frustrated when it failed, after successfully flying the birds in the game until a long time.

The news of his grief, the game that first released on the App Store on May 24, 2013 and recorded downloaded as much as 50 million times a year later, can not be played again on devices that update the operating system to iOS 11.

The reason, iOS 11 only supports applications running on 64-bit systems, meaning Flappy Bird and other apps running on 32-bit systems will be completely dead. 

Flappy Bird creator Dong Nguyen explains through his personal Facebook page that he really will not update the app system of his game, without any obvious reason.

So, when your iPhone has been updated to iOS 11, so choose the application Flappy Bird, will appear notification that you must update the game to play it. This will also occur in applications with other 32-bit systems.

"My responsibility for the game is actually finished in 2014. And today's statement is just an answer to the many parties who ask about this event," said Dong Nguyen on his personal Facebook page.

In the year 2014 in fact the Apple has requested to all application developers to change the application support 64-bit system. Thanks to the support of gamers, Flappy Bird can still be accessed by illegal means.

Flappy Bird's game not only frustrates players. Dong Nguyen himself was also frustrated at the beginning for not expecting that the game could become popular and become the world's talk. Dong Nguyen even had time to withdraw Flappy Bird from Google Playstore, a while before re-release in paid version for Android device.  

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