Equifax Breaks into Information 143 Million People Leaked

Equifax, the consumer credit reporting body announced that information from its 143 million subscribers has been leaked. A group of cyber attackers reportedly managed to exploit weaknesses on the Equifax website to steal names, social security numbers, birth dates, addresses and in some cases, SIM numbers.

Meanwhile, credit card information from 209 thousand people and private court documents of 182 thousand people also successfully accessed the attackers.

This attack is one of the biggest cyber attacks ever, given the number of victims of this attack reached about 44 percent of the total population in the US. In addition to US citizens, there are a number of Britons and Canadians whose data are stolen.

Equifax says, this attack occurred from mid-May to July 29, when the attack was detected. To solve this problem, Equifax has created a site to monitor credit and identity theft protection for free for all US citizens.

The number of victims combined with much of the information leaked in this attack makes it one of the biggest attacks ever seen in recent years.  

Before this, Yahoo was ever hacked and make information from more than 1 billion users leaked. However, Yahoo does not hold information on social security numbers or SIM numbers.

Cyber attacks are now more frequent. Even so, because in this attack the social security number of more than 100 million people also leaked, it raises the risk of identity theft cases. Equifax said they were working with an independent civic security company and the authorities to investigate the case. 

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