According to Apple, when Apple Watch Series 3 tries to connect with an unauthenticated Wi-Fi network without connectivity, the smart watch can not connect to the mobile network. Apple said it will bring improvements to the problem in the next software update.
Connectivity-related issues are experienced by a number of Apple Watch models that connect to AT & T and T-Mobile cellular networks. In addition, models connected to the AT & T network also encountered problems accessing Siri.
The Apple Watch Series 3 comes with LTE radio features and an integrated eSIM card, along with WiFi connectivity, lets device users make or receive phone calls, enable Siri, text and connect to the internet without pairing to the iPhone.
Not only that, other problems found in the battery life of Apple Watch Series 3, reportedly smart watches can only last for one hour for LTE 4G talk time.
Meanwhile on iOS 11, Control Center is reported to have a button to disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth networks. Although users have turned off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi through the Control Center, it turns the radio from the iPhone will remain on.
Apple's latest flagship iPhone X smartphone, reportedly lacked features already available on Android since a few months ago. Not only the iPhone, the other two other Apple smartphones are not compatible with the super-fast networking technology called Gigabit LTE.