In a memo email to Uber employees, Garrett Camp, one of Uber's founders, said Kalanick certainly will not return as CEO. The same statement was later issued by Uber as part of Uber's official statement.
"Despite the rumors that recently circulated, Travis will not be back as CEO, we are committed to finding world-class CEOs to lead Uber," Camp wrote in the memo.
Then there is also Benchmark Capital, one of the main investors in Uber, who twittered through his official account. In the chirp, they are committed to the company and are trying to find a new CEO.
Kalanick currently still has a position on Uber's board of directors. He had previously called for the opinions of Uber employees on whether they would still support him if Kalanick could return to lead Uber.
In addition, Recode wrote that Kalanick is eager to return to become CEO of Uber, just as Steve Jobs did in Apple in the 90s, according to Business Insider.