Join With Google, Apple Released iOS 11 Beta Version 7

Apple iOS 11 Beta
Not to be outdone by Google that has officially released Android 8.0 Oreo, Apple helped prepare to release the latest version of mobile operating system of his work, which will be launched in September, the iOS 11.

Apple iOS 11 beta 7 is reportedly present with a number of features that are also expected to be available in the final version.

Some of these features include the volume lever in the Control Center section in yellow as the volume indicator is too high.

In addition, the Beta 7 version is also supported by a clock on a smaller lockscreen, and a new Apple Music icon in the Now Playing section of Control Center.

The 30-pin-to-Lightning Adapter on iOS 11 beta 7 can also function properly.

Users of this beta version are also treated to the ability to reset monthly mobile data statistics, as well as multitasking capabilities on iPad devices to display previews of different window panes of size.

Touch ID in this version will also be disabled while using Emergency mode.

Meanwhile, other features of the Beta 7 version also feature new podcast capabilities that no longer download old content automatically.

iOS 11 beta 7 is also equipped with a number of improvements as well as improved functionality on the minor user interface.

iOS device users can check the availability of this latest beta version through Settings> General> Software update.

But this version is only accessible to registered users as developers or members of the public beta testers.

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