Google Schedule Android O Appears August 21st

Android O
Google gives the date and time of announcement of the latest operating system of his work, Android O, although still reluctant to share information related to the official name of the operating system.

Google decided to announce Android O on August 21st, in a live broadcast from New York City starting at 2:40 AM EST.

The time is chosen to coincide with a solar eclipse that will occur in the United States on the same day.

Google sites are increasingly promoting the event, including time countdown tools, and ways to check if the area has a chance to enjoy the time of the eclipse, as well as some information and facts related to the eclipse.

Additionally, Google also uploaded a scrapbook video currently deleted, on the Google Plus page, carrying the file name GoogleOreo_Teaser_0817_noDroids (1) .mp4.

However, the information is not a form of confirmation regarding Android naming as Oreo.

Naming the file also supports rumors previously circulated related to the Oreo name strand as the official name of Android O. To find out the truth, consumers still have to be patient until the time of the official announcement took place.

Google announced a number of updates for its Android version search app, including the ability to view and play video previews on search results in apps on the mobile device.

Google also recently bought Senosis Health, a startup that can turn a smartphone into a medical device and collect a variety of health conditions of a person, one of which is related to the lung condition of the user.

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