Facebook Update Camera with GIF Support

Facebook Camera
Since more and more users of Android and iOS devices take advantage of camera app work, Facebook decided to add a number of new features to make the feature equivalent to its competitors.

Facebook announced that its app users on Android and iOS devices will be able to take advantage of three new fixes. The first fix will allow users to broadcast live, using Facebook Camera.

The first fix also allows users to decorate their live broadcasts with the creative effects of the app. Doing a live broadcast will feature a video on the Story feature, and the selected audience will be able to watch it.

This update also brings support for GIF so that Facebook users can create recurring videos with a duration of two seconds. This GIF can be shared to News Feed, Story or Direct, as Phone Arena reports.

Facebook also announced that Camera users can create text uploads thanks to new capabilities for uploading full-screen text, including colored backgrounds with text on it.

Similar to the ability to create GIF uploaded text can also be shared to News Feed, Story, and Direct. All features similar to Snapchat feature is available on Android and iOS devices starting this week, which will be scrolled via server.
