You Can Explore Real-Time Nature via Google Earth

Early this year, the Google Earth service has received a number of new features, such as browser search support, three-dimensional (3D) maps, up to Knowledge Cards to display user-requested information.

Now, Google again provide the service with live video feature. Interestingly, through this feature, users can watch real-time (real-time) natural wonders (natural wonders).

Not only that, users also enjoy an interactive tour guide whenever you see interesting places that support live feeds.

For the initial stage, as quoted from The Next Web, new users can see a location, the Katmai National park in Alaska, United States.

This location is amazing because there are brown bears who wake up after hibernation for half a year to catch salmon at Brooks river.

Meanwhile, the Google Earth team installed five cameras around Katmai, including one underwater camera, so users can see firsthand how the bear catches the salmon.
