The company called Iris Ohyama is known as a company with wide product coverage. Starting from a plastic specialist company, the company is headquartered in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan and expanded its business by selling a variety of products, ranging from garbage and office supplies to gardening tools and animal feed.
With the variety of products produced, the company does not seem to want its employees sitting glued to the computer all day long. Therefore, the company gave an announcement where its employees were prohibited from using PC while sitting.
Instead, the company will provide a PC on a stand desk that can be used interchangeably by its employees. The plan, as quoted from Rocket News 24, PC stand will be placed in the corners of the office space.
Because of turns, each employee who uses will be limited to 45 minutes. The company also assess if this anyarnya system will increase the concentration, creativity, and most importantly can make healthy employees.
This regulation seems to be applied not only to lower-class employees, but also to the manager level. This can be seen from the illustration shown.
The plan of this rule will be effectively applied at headquarters in Kakuda city, before it will eventually be applied in other branches.