As a competitor of one country with Samsung, LG tries to rival the top class of Galaxy S and Note using various strategies. For example LG developed a flagship smartphone on the line of G and V. Usually the hardware specifications and features owned line V will be better than G. The new V series smartphone that will be released is V30.
A surprising report has just emerged that the LG V30 will not carry the privileged feature that has been present in the V family. The feature is a secondary screen ticker that is usually at the top of the main screen, for example on LG V10 and V20. Its own function for notifications, information, and shortcut icon to access applications quickly.
Some people assume that this ticker secondary screen is just a gimmick and not very useful so LG will get rid of it. With the loss of secondary screen this will provide additional space on the main screen on the V30 so it can have aspect ratio of the 18: 9 screen as it is present on LG G6.
Meanwhile, the LG V30 will also use OLED technology display panels. If so, this is the first time LG uses OLED panels for its homemade smartphone. Of course this should be done by LG because in 2017 this Apple will also release the latest iPhone using the screen technology.
Based on the information circulating, LG V30 will use Qualcomm's Snapdragon 835 processor, 4 GB RAM, and 64 GB of internal storage that can be added microSD. This smartphone also will still carry dual-camera rear. For that, let's just wait for the next leak that will roll in the next few days.