Intel Says that Qualcomm Monopolized the Market

Qualcomm is unremittingly sued by various companies, and this time it is Intel's reporter, who calls Qualcomm abusing its position as the ruler of the mobile processor market.

Qualcomm called fixing licensing rates for technology usage too high, at least five times more expensive. While they offer a cheaper price for the purchase of chips by mobile phone manufacturers.

Intel also asked the International Trade Commission (ITC) to investigate Qualcomm over the tariffs on the use of that license is too high. In a statement, Intel calls itself a victim of the monopoly practice of mobile chips.
Qualcomm itself calls Intel infringes his patents on the use of LTE modems that exist in a number of devices made by Apple. Qualcomm also accused Apple of deliberately making the modem work more slowly than made by Intel.

Ironically, Intel itself had previously been in the position of perpetrators of monopolistic practices. Intel has been fined for $ 1.4 billion in 2014 because of the practice of PC chip monopoly over AMD, as quoted by Engadget.
