According to Phone Arena, not yet available a lot of information related to the specifications of this device. But the Geekbench benchmark site displays a list of specifications of the latest LG G6 mini smartphones.
Early reports related to LG G6 mini, or LG Q6, call this smartphone will come with 5.4 inch screen, and supported by 3GB RAM, and rear camera with 13MP resolution sensor.
Meanwhile on the list shown on the Geekbench website, this so-called smartphone will be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 octa-core 1.4GHz processor. In addition, LG Q6 will also use the typical LG operating system 7.1.1 LG.
This smartphone is listed on the benchmark site's database with the LG-M700 model number. However, based on the information listed on the list, registration of this specification was held on 27 March.
This raises concerns that the specifications that the prototype unit will carry will be different from the final version unit that will be launched and marketed to consumers in the LG target market.