However, Microsoft made an "unusual" move in May. At that time, Microsoft released a special security loophole due to the circulation of WannaCry malware to 75,000 computers worldwide.
Mid-June this, Microsoft was back to perform unusual steps. The company founded by Bill Gates was re-released the security vulnerability patch for Windows XP. What is the problem?
Apparently, the decision to fill it was taken as a precaution. Microsoft again found a vulnerability that he considered could be dangerous in the future.
"When reviewing updates for this month, several security holes were found that could increase the risk of cyber attacks from organizations claiming to government of a particular country or other fraudulent organization," Microsoft said, as sums up from Ubergizmo.
Not just for Windows XP, the security vulnerability patch was released for Windows Vista and other unsupported Windows. Microsoft said the patch's release was done after the prevention of attacks similar to WannaCry.
Despite releasing a new patch for Windows XP at this time, Microsoft said it will not start supporting that old OS again. The patch was released to prevent high security risks.
Patches for all versions of Windows that can be obtained through Microsoft Download Center and Windows Update.