US Says Russia Plows Qatar News Agency

US Says Russia Plows Qatar News Agency
US investigators say the Russian hackers are behind the hacking of the Qatar news agency's website by inserting false news which then triggered tensions between Qatar and some Arab Gulf States.

This statement was issued by the US after they in this case the FBI sent a team of investigators to Doha to help the Qatari government investigate the alleged hacking of the news site.

This accusation arose because the action is similar to the steps that were tried by Russia when they infiltrated to disrupt the 2016 US Presidential Election last, namely by spreading false news or hoaxes.

Similar attacks have previously occurred in a number of European countries such as France and Germany, where they are spreading false news to disrupt the country's electoral process.

According to intelligence data that has been collected, indicated that Russian hackers are behind the first infiltration reported by the government of Qatar in the last two weeks, according to CNN.

At that time, Qatari authorities called hackers posting 'fake statements' on behalf of Emir Qtar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani via QNA. The statement contained criticism against some of the leaders of the Arab Gulf states and calls for easing tensions with Iran, which are clearly enemies of Arab countries.

The statement triggered tensions between Qatar and the Arab Gulf countries, and they rejected Qatar's explanation of the hack. The local Arab countries of the Arab Gulf state even 'attack' the Emir of Qatar by calling it softened against Iran.
