This is the Main Consideration of People Buying Mobile Phones

This is the Main Consideration of People Buying Mobile Phones
Various features try offered mobile phone vendors to the community. But what factors make people end up buying a smartphone?

It was tried by Oppo revealed through a survey in several cities in Indonesia throughout May. They threw in a few questions to 500 F3 user responses.

The result is known more than 90% of respondents admitted that the camera factor into the main consideration when buying a smartphone. While the price consideration is only 2% only.

"When Oppo sells 4.3 million Oppo F3 phones, it does not go down, it keeps rising, which is more expensive than the Oppo F1," said Aryo Meidianto, Media Engagement Oppo Indonesia as he unveiled the survey results at the pre-order F3 event of the Reza Rahadian at Sheraton Hotel, Gandaria City, Jakarta, Friday night (9/6/2017).

On this occasion also Oppo also surveyed the level of satisfaction of respondents to mobile phone F3. It was found that 91.96% of consumers are satisfied with the front camera of the phone.

The existence of wide selfie features also responded positively by respondents. Evidently, 94.35% response was satisfied with the selfie feature with a 120-degree view of it.

The same thing is also felt on the camera behind him. As many as 81% of respondents expressed satisfaction with the 13 MP camera shots pinned Oppo on the back.

From the results above, Oppo concluded that the camera is still the main thing for Indonesian people to buy a smartphone.

"The camera is still a major consideration, and if we conclude from it all is the satisfaction of consumers towards the self wide enough, above 90% .That means that what we convey through this group selfie feature means very recorded and learned by our consumers," said Aryo.

This bespectacled man also revealed that Oppo's presumption is a female phone because rarely released black variant is not true. In the survey results show the gender of Oppo users quite balanced.

"So far, the mindset that Oppo users have formed is women, although the survey shows the gender of oppo users is comparable, 52 percent for women, 48 percent thinner than men," Aryo said.

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