The early photographs that usually settle on the base of this timeline are potentially embarrassing when seen by others, but unfortunately if deleted. Is there a way to hide them without being obliterated forever?
This week Instagram started scrolling Archive feature to solve the problem. Archive previously had been in trial to some users in May.
This month, as summarized from PetaPixel, Archive is available to all users.
Archieve is defined as a feature to move certain photographs for example, those tacky early photos-to a special archive that only the Instagram account owner can see.
"Profile is your self representation and evolves over time. With Archive, you now have more flexibility in shaping profiles while still capturing important moments, "said Instagram in a post containing the announcement.
How to wear it is easy. Users just open the photo post you want to move, click the three dots in the top right corner, then select the option "Archive". Photos will be transferred to a dedicated archive room so it is not visible on the main timeline.
The archive space that stores the photos can be visited by clicking on the hour-shaped icon at the top of the user profile page. If you want to restore the archived photo to its original place in the timeline, open the corresponding photo, click the three dot icon and select the option "Show on Profile".
Archive is available in the Instagram app starting version 10.21 on iOS and Android. Users can download it in the application store of each platform.