5 The Big Crime Comes Up To The Significant Technological Development

The Digital Age is an era in which various human activities have involved various computer technology devices, especially the internet, with the aim of facilitating human work. 

Some examples such as online employee recruitment, online transactions or those that are also part of E-Commerce, online work, and so forth are clear evidence that we are now entering the digital age.

In contrast to the various benefits that emerged in this digital age, apparently the digital era also created various types of new crimes that have never been expected by most people before. 

In addition to the wider scope, crime by exploiting the internet network has now become a serious concern in various worlds. Well, related to that, this time I will discuss some of the evils that arise as the impact of digitalization. Please be listened to ya!

1. Online Fraud

5 The Big Crime Comes Up To The Significant Technological Development
Along with the many online financial transactions, many parties are taking advantage of this to commit online fraud such as selling fictitious goods or not delivering goods agreed upon after the money is transferred by the buyer.

There are also cases of goods sold have a quality that is not in accordance with the agreed and fictitious services that were not implemented after the victim to transfer some money.

2. Porn Sites

5 The Big Crime Comes Up To The Significant Technological Development
Pornography is a crime that has been rooted from time immemorial. With the presence of internet technology, pornography is becoming increasingly widespread because now anyone can access a variety of pornographic content using only their computers or laptops and smartphones.

3. Software Piracy

5 The Big Crime Comes Up To The Significant Technological Development
Software piracy is a classic problem that is very difficult to remove. This is due to the enormous software needs, but it is not accompanied by the willingness of users to pay a price to have the software and the principle of 'free is more enjoyable'.

4. Hacking

5 The Big Crime Comes Up To The Significant Technological Development
Hacking or hacking is an activity to access information on a system that is not illegally in order to find a security hole that can be used to insert malware or viruses and may be exploited for extortion measures. At a more severe level, it can cause system damage that results in data and financial losses.

5. Hoax Spreading and Hate Speech in Social Media

5 The Big Crime Comes Up To The Significant Technological Development
The spread of hoaxes and hate speech in social media has become a kind of digital crime that attracts attention lately. Spreading hoaxes or false information coupled with hate speech can lead to misunderstanding of information, disagreements, and it is not impossible to end up with worse things like violence or war.

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