Tips on How to Use New Features in Instagram Stories

Tips on How to Use New Features in Instagram Stories
Tips on How to Use New Features in Instagram StoriesInstagram now has many users and features increasingly sophisticated and almost similar to Snapchat with a variety of sticker features as well as funny filters.

This time it has been applied in Instagram Stories which presents a face filter of various forms of funny and more cute. Well! You are still curious about how to apply these filters in your Instagram Stories?

First you need to update first in the Play Store or App Store for Instagram app. Once done, then you go to Instagram Stories and you will find a new icon in the bottom right. The icon is a picture of emoticons laughing a smile with no interest.
Then if you want to change the look of ordinary photographs to be beautiful can click on the icon and there will be a variety of facial filter options like Snapchat. In the icon there are eight options, including crown, koala, dog, and many more.

You can use the filter in Instagram Stories feature that is boomerang and hands-free. Once you select it, just hit the shutter button for taking photos or videos in Instagram Stories.

When you are finished then you can directly post or save to the gallery with the left icon below. Apparently in the update Instagram application then you also get the latest feature called Rewind. Where this Rewind can make a video rotate backwards. 

In addition, you as an Instagram Stories user can add a hashtag sticker that has a function when people see a photo or video and then pressing the hashtag already printed feed will be delivered to the page related postings.

Not satisfied with that then Instagram Stories also presents one more feature that is drawing tool that serves to delete. When you have taken a photo or video, then select drawing tools and immediately fill the screen with the color you want.

Then use an eraser to create creative stuff like writing or drawing. More sophisticated is not it? Already tried it? Let's instantly express your creativity with Instagram Stories.
