Recently Geekbench leaked the Google Taimen hardware specification. Looks smartphone that this one has a processor Snapdragon octa-core speed of 1.9 GHz is estimated is Snapdragon 835. When mirrored from last year, Google Pixel device is using the current flagship processor, the Snapdragon 821.
In offset the ability of processor, 4 GB RAM has been present in this one smartphone. Apparently there is no capacity increase compared to the previous Google Pixel. Many people speculate that RAM 6 GB or 8 GB is still redundant because usually Android smartphone only need 3 GB or 4 GB to run the operating system and application smoothly.
Meanwhile, Android O has run in this one smartphone. We know for yourself that this operating system has not been officially launched for the user and just entering the preview developer stage so practically Google Taimen will be the first smartphone in the world to use Android O at the time of launch later.