Android Creator Presents 360 Degrees Camera in Mobile Phone

Android Creator Presents 360 Degrees Camera in Mobile Phone
Some time ago, Android creator Andy Rubin showcased his brand-new mobile phone. This time, Rubin re-showcased his company's mobile phone creation, Essential Products, for the second time.

Quoted from Business Insider, Rubin shows his homemade phone through his Twitter account. Unfortunately, in the photo is only a phone silhouette and an accessory attached to the top of the phone.

The possibility of a small dot-shaped accessory on the top of a Rubin-made smartphone is a 360-degree camera.

In addition to leaked images through nudge, Rubin also showcased another nudge. He has also uploaded a photos of one of his colleagues developing software for a 360-degree camera.

According to news, Rubin will introduce the phone made Essentials Products is in Code event on May 30, 2017.

Just to note, this is not the first time made by Essentials mobile phone on display. A few months ago, Rubin nudge images of his creation that is almost without a bezel.
