Sony Reasons Stay in the Smartphone Business

Sony does not want to give up on the smartphone business. Kazuo Hirao, President of Sony explains the business strategy of the Japanese company.

He mentioned that Sony needs to continue to play in this business to maintain relationships with relailers and operators. Thus, they can benefit when a paradigm shift in communication with others occurs.

"The paradigm shift in how we communicate with each other happens every 10 years or so, but if we do not survive today in the smartphone business then we can not play or we can not make the next communication paradigm change, we basically throw a chance and lose All relationships with retailers and operators worldwide. If we do that, then whatever ideas we have later, we will not be able to bring it to market fast enough, "he explained.

In addition to entertainment, Sony believes that there will be many opportunities in the enterprise market for virtual reality (VR). That leads to thinking if the last paradigm shift occurred with the widespread use of smartphones. VR can lead the way over the next decade or maybe it will be something completely unexpected.

Whatever it is, Sony President says that his company will be involved in the smartphone business. Thanks to that, Sony has a prime distribution channel for any product that will replace the smartphone later. 

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