Previous AMD has shared details variant of AMD line Ryzen, 17 Ryzen CPU variants, including five variants octa-core, four variants hexa-core, quad-core and eight variants. not by name but the RX line call with the name AMD Ryzen R3, R5 and R7. More you can see the picture below.

Well for AMD Ryzen 7 1700 rumored to be sold at a price of US $ 320 where the processor is predicted to rival Intel Core i7-6900K which sold for US $ 1,099.
AMD Ryzen 7 1700 has 8 cores and 16 threads with speeds up to 3.7GHz. AMD processors are powerful usually wasteful electricity, but for AMD Ryzen this time only consuming 65W TDP and support DDR4-2400 RAM. As well as support overlocking unlimited frequency dependent cooler used.
Not only rely gahar processor, AMD's latest Ryzen also been buried L2 and L3 cache with a large size, which is a combination of both reach 20MB. Plus Sense Technology MI, is an adaptive feature to optimize the performance of the processor to the system load. With these features, the processor is able to increase the speed or adjust the temperature automatically.
Ryzen AMD will first be available on the desktop, and AMD is ready to fill in all the segments of the AMD Ryzen. Ryzen AMD reportedly will be released in late February in the United States.