iPhone 7 made Apple Red special edition to celebrate the long partnership with Red Foundation. A portion of the proceeds will be used for a number of social assistance in Africa. If dozens of countries welcomed enthusiastically iPhone 7 Red, why Chinese vice versa?
Said Red taboo in China. Red is a charitable foundation established U2 lead singer Bono and activist Bobby Shriver. Money earned from the donation Red Apple Foundation given to the Global Fund as a grant to fight HIV / Aids, tuberculosis and malaria.
These grants include providing testing and treatment for patients with intent to destroy HIV transmission. Apple is the world's largest companies accounted for the Global Fund.
Largest Chinese-language Apple did not mention the red iPhone. This has led to some confusion. Internet users are the first to discover that there are different branding on the Apple site relies on Chinese territory.
When translated from Mandarin, Chinese Apple retail sites for iPhone red only be read as "now in red", while the Taiwan Apple website using the words "product" red that was also on the Apple website the US and other countries.
Some analysts read this as another example of Chinese politics intervenes Western brands that do business in the world's most populous country. Apple did not comment on this issue.
Said Red taboo in China. Red is a charitable foundation established U2 lead singer Bono and activist Bobby Shriver. Money earned from the donation Red Apple Foundation given to the Global Fund as a grant to fight HIV / Aids, tuberculosis and malaria.

Largest Chinese-language Apple did not mention the red iPhone. This has led to some confusion. Internet users are the first to discover that there are different branding on the Apple site relies on Chinese territory.
When translated from Mandarin, Chinese Apple retail sites for iPhone red only be read as "now in red", while the Taiwan Apple website using the words "product" red that was also on the Apple website the US and other countries.
Some analysts read this as another example of Chinese politics intervenes Western brands that do business in the world's most populous country. Apple did not comment on this issue.