The keyboard is definitely an important feature that you find on any gadget either hard keyboard or touchscreen. There are several types of keyboard when viewed from the location of the alphabet, the QWERTY keyboard and alphanumeric. Qwerty keyboard has an irregular layout of the alphabet, while the alphanumeric have regular letters around in A through Z.
Most android device carrying the Qwerty keyboard as the default view, but not everyone is comfortable using a keyboard type and want to use alphanumeric keyboard types. If you are experiencing the same problems do not worry because I modify QWERTY keyboard android that not is not difficult.

For those of you who want to change the look of qwerty keyboard with alphanumeric keyboard so that the keyboard button on your android device becomes larger. You can find several applications in the Play Store. You keyboard can download several apps for android devices you.However keyboard is not all applications the keyboard can be changed into an alphanumeric keyboard (keyboard ABC ... the usual). But do not worry, there are 3 keyboard is recommended for applications you use. That is :
- MultiLink Keyboard
- Go Keyboard
- Perfect Keyboard
- Open the menu Settings> Language and Input
- After that, tap on the gear icon next to the keyboard menu> type and input languages
- Press the gear icon on the keyboard menu
- Choose a keyboard telephone
It all depends on your taste, basically use the default keyboard on the device in the form qwerty android aims to facilitate consumer. But for some people there who do not like the QWERTY keyboard models because the button is too small and not sequential like the alphabet. Whatever your choice, android devices already provide an alternative for you by providing keyboard applications that can be installed on your android device with ease and also free.
Thus is little information on how to turn an android that not QWERTY keyboard. Hopefully this information is helpful to you. In essence, you can change how the look and applications used in your android device. Because gadget with android OS already provides all the conveniences. Good luck and hopefully the information above can help you to change the look of the keyboard on your smartphone.