Anime Gravity Rush Overture Can Already Witnessed on Youtube

After December 26 yesterday premiered on Japanese television channel TV Tokyo, Sony finally presents anime Gravity Rush for global consumption in Youtube complete with subtitles in multiple languages!

Anime Gravity Rush Overture

Titled Gravity Rush: Overture and acts as a prequel Gravity Rush 2, Parts A anime Gravity Rush (or the first seven minutes) shows the daily life in the city Kat Jirga The Lhao, which was interrupted by the invasion of monsters nevi. He also managed to kill Nevi-nevi emerging thanks to the help of Raven.

While Parts B was a flashback of Parts A pick up the story right after tamatnya first game Gravity Rush. After Kat and Raven Hekseville save the city from the mayor of evil, they are investigating the case of the floating city attacked resulting in damage to the reactor gravity and dealing with a new enemy that has the power to crystallize an object.

Anime duration of 20 minutes can be directly you see in the video below. If possible watch in at least 720p video settings, because the animation was gorgeous! Unfortunately if watching the picture broke and quality less than the maximum.

Because dialog anime Gravity Rush uses an artificial language (as in his game), so do not forget to turn on Closed Caption and turned into English in the Settings section, yes!

Gravity Rush anime produced by Studio Khara. The anime studio founded by Hideaki Anno and was assigned to work on the Rebuild of Evangelion tetralogy, so the quality of the anime I feel no need to be questioned. The incorporation of 3D animation and 2D its not even look subtle and very smooth.

Gravity Rush 2 will be released sequentially on January 18 in Europe, January 19th in Japan, and January 20 in North America exclusively for the PS4. Sony plans to release a free DLC also in March 2017 which tells the adventures of Raven at the end of the first game, called The Ark of Time.

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